Tuesday, May 19, 2009

One plastic button to Muscat....

Come on guys its time to give it to the punters like english batsmen of old...straight! Aren’t some of the wonderful deals that a dangled in front of you just complete 4X.

Is it a case of 'white lies' maybe ‘because we can say it we will’ or 'we are so desperate ourselves our strap line should be Bodgit and Scarper wouldn't buy of us….'

...Buy our newspaper cos we know what’s what to help you get through your life, you have no friends but we will leave you with ink stains to remind you of the huge adverts you’ve paid for which are wedged in between last years Doonesbury, of course you have no source of any information and we went to school and we once read a poem and we know that you know that you can’t do it on your own AND oh by the way we may send you to Narnia for free if you subscribe for a million years.

One plastic button is all it would cost to fly to Muscat and by the way you’ve 48 hours to find the days that you can get this deal and oh by the way it will be on a work day AND OH YES OH the fuel tax, surcharge tax, tree tax, carbon offset and the CEO’s bonus needs to be paid tax so THE TOTAL FARE is 750 gold doubloons says Captain Jack! And yes we do think you have Muppet on your forehead.

Put all your debts into one easy consolidated loan, pay off what you can FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES HA! Only 39.9% APR, free life assurance and we don’t need your medical history because we know you won’t read the small print and will probably die of something that’s not on our list.

Take two bottles into the shower…pay more for one! Its really just soap or rendered fat. Does anyone carry the shampoo in and out of the shower?

Read our reviews for the best, most up to date, happening, and cool, with it, blah so blah trite! And from a recent review of the new Trek movie don’t go and see this because its number 11 in the series and all the odd number movies were rubbish, oh but so was 10 so my theory is flawed…doh! What shall I do they won’t let me write a proper article.

Or just great big black ones.

Is it not about time the great and the good that shove it down your throat’s that specialist interest groups, watchdog’s, quangos and uncle tom’s maiden aunt are really looking out for the ‘man’ in the street and live up to their golden halo’s or are they no better.


Monday, May 18, 2009

The State of the Car Industry

Bear with me on this.

Recently, well over the last twenty years, I’ve been pondering the state of the car industry. For what seems like a millennium the car industry doesn’t seem to take the opportunity to really do something rewarding for its regular users, new users and the undecided. As always you seem to have a choice with an unfinished maintenance manual that has had several revisions, a specification from the 35th century, a specification that you cannot read or so many interpretations that you cannot make a choice and have a fuzzy head. You always have a choice. This can leave you with major problems when you invest.

I’m not a really a car enthusiast, left hand or right hand side makes no difference or an expressway to the end of the universe. But I have the up most respect for those that love their car, the market and the greater so called industry. Those who may only have whirl at the weekend or do less than 2,000 miles in a lifetime, but end of the day they love their car.

In the last few weeks one of the major car manufacturer surveyed the Middle East. I believe an opportunity was lost because to be surveying an area with so many mixed brands and users, when in essence car users follow the same fundamental principles with a belief in how the combustion engine came into existence and how it has developed, didn’t take the opportunity to unite to an ailing industry in a world which has talked itself into a crisis. To come up with an offer that would really mean something. The survey seemed incomplete to me.

End of the day, whether you are a tree hugger, weekend warrior or all out petrol head, it is your choice.

My point, if you haven’t switched off by now, is that when you are a big dog don’t just mark the territory but bark up the neighbourhood.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Oh yes its another mid life victim

Greetings to all and welcome to my blog. I'm now into that zone where sensibilities should be someone elses problem. Any hoo first rant is about 5 star hotels, so swish, hot and cold running maids, butlers, monkey's, unsustainable menu's, oversized, bathrooms, t.v's, dvd's, mp3's, laptops...can you guess where this going...no feckin kettles!

Tea - The chinese invented it, the indian's embraced it, the slopes of Sri Lanka are draped in its maginificent green coat and its probably the most popular drink on earth BUT can you settle down to one of the most satisfying drinks, that shouldn't be taxed in anyway, in the plushness of your gold gilted bedroom with view across some heavenly corner...NO! So as a first time blogger and a serial ranter please oh please can we please have a kettle in our bedroom.

Love Capn P.